Monday 8 September 2014

Office and Creativity: should we wear African fashion at work?

Many among us we have pondered at one time or another: is it a good idea to wear African prints at work? This is not unusual question to ask as, despite the rise of African fashion market, some still think that the bold colours of wax fabric or kente might not be suitable for a work environment.  Here are a few facts that might change your mind.

The end of Gloom in the corporate world

The truth is, the office is no longer the gloomy space it used to be and wearing the black and white uniform is no longer a sign of seriousness.  The choice of colours is very closely associated to personality and, although expressing your personality can be difficult, it is also your most precious asset to awaken your creativity to work and solve problems your way.

Creativity will save the business world

A survey by IBM published in 2012 by British newspaper The Guardian ( ) revealed that the majority of CEOs believe the “key to navigating today's volatile, uncertain and increasingly complex business environment is creativity.” A very important statement.

This means that making a difference in the office means unleashing the very creative nature we all are.

I dress therefore I am

French phylosopher Decartes, new fashion trend setter
The French philosopher Decartes, author of the famous sentence “I think therefore I am”, could have said something similar. We do believe that what we do, the way we dress is in some ways a reflection of our personality. And as the joke goes “It is better to be oneself as everyone else is already taken”  ;-). Doing the things your way, wearing what you would like to wear, reflecting in your work place your heritage, positive experiences you have lived in Africa, can have a powerful impact in your working style and interactions with your colleagues.

African fashion diversity

Today, people can be more adventurous with their office attire. Colours bring a breath of fresh air to the office environment.
For those who are like colours but don’t want colours which are too bold, the truth also is that African fashion clothing is very varied and comes in all types of styles and colours. Some designs are very bold, other African fashion designers prefer a softer look. Not all wax fabrics are in our face. At Mayasi Fashion we feature different styles, bold and softer, to suit all tastes. 

You will find on  a selection of clothes like these beautiful African print trousers you can wear in your office.

african fashion trousers in wax

Kimono top

High waist skirt in wax, lined.

Leather shoes by Murembo

Tell us your thoughts. Will you wear African prints to work?

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